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your first line of defense against
heavy metal Toxins

Toxic metals in the environment are extremely abundant. Your body is constantly being bombarded and exposed to harmful metals and toxins such as mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and lead, among others. They're in the air, food, and personal care products such as lipstick, moisturizer/sunscreen, and even whitening toothpaste.

Toxin Defense is a natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Suspension liquid. Heavy metals and toxins have a positive charge, whereas Toxin Defense has a negative charge. It "catches" and traps the toxins, which are then expelled out of the body through urine. Zeolites are minerals that that occur naturally, but are also produced on a large scale for this and other purposes. Many scholarly articles have been written on zeolites by institutions such as Harvard, and they've been the subject of more than 14 clinical studies.

Toxin Defense is simple and safe for your entire family (including babies), pregnant moms, and even pets. Just mix in water and drink. Complete instructions are on the bottle.


Most people don’t know that long term exposure to Heavy Metal Toxicity can have chronic or acute effects. They might not even know they are exposed and experiencing many symptoms related to them. Did you know that theses toxins greatly interfere with our hormones and throw them off as well? Exposure can progressively lead to degenerative processes and many diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, Muscular Dystrophy,  Autism and much more. 
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stay on top of your game :: get tested and detox daily


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Send your sample

When your test has been completed, fill out the detailed intake form included in the kit. Where it asks if an agent ws used, mark "suspended liquid zeolite." Your kit is prepaid and return shipping is included in the box. Keep the Toxin Defense and use it daily. No refunds.

Get your test kit and
Toxin Defense product

Select your plan and pay online. No doctor's office visit is required. You can choose to consult with an expert about your results; simply select that product when you shop (or you can order it after your results are received). You will receive your test kit and Toxin Defense products within 7 working days.

Test and fill out
the forms

You must use Toxin Defense with this testing method to pull the toxins out of your body. It is called "chelation." Your test kit will have everything necessary for collection, including detailed sample collection instructions, except for a plastic cup for collection.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with one of our

consultants to discuss your results, it is an option, however, it is not necessary. Your results will come to you via email as a pdf. If you would like a consult, simply add it to your cart and we will send you an online scheduler in an email from us.

Schedule an

Continue detoxing with Toxin Defense and test again in 3 to 6 months. 
Remember, removing heavy metal toxins is like peeling an onion. They are removed in layers. One test may uncover arsenic then the next test may show mercury. Since we are exposed to these toxins daily we must remain consistent using Toxin Defense. When we continue detoxing and testing eventually we will see the decline as long as we haven’t been exposed to anything new.

Once your results
are in

There are many testimonials of satisfied customers. People are noticing a big difference on many levels.
Make this a healthy lifestyle commitment for you and your loved ones.
Don't forget a few drops of Toxin Defense in your Pet's water daily.


A clever person solves a problem.
A wise person avoids it.

Why Toxin Defense & ZEOTEST

Toxin Defense and ZeoTest are trusted global leaders in home customized wellness. With well over 30 years of expertise, we are the go-to for the safest, most effective remedies for your health for detoxing heavy metals from your body, and the restoration blueprint for you, your loved ones and your pets. 


This detox protocol was the first ever designed using clinoptilolite zeolite suspended in liquid for use as a chelation agent other than costly and time consuming IV chelation therapy and a test kit. 


Strictly designed and tested by our medical experts, this is by far the easiest and most cost effective method to safely test and detox from home. 


No hours sitting with IV chelation in a doctors office, no trips to a lab, no blood draws, no office visits! Just a simple home urine and blood spot collection test sent to you through the mail with free return shipping provided.


Our expert laboratory medical providers will review your results and you will receive them via pdf in an email. 


Daily detoxing with Toxin Defense and quarterly to yearly lab testing from home assures that you remain in optimal health. 


World class Toxin Defense products and laboratory standards from the comfort of home!

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